Monday, February 26, 2007

Another Day

Today was pretty much the starting day of my gardening. I love gardening almost as much as I love writing, working out, and stitching. All three seem to center me. Which is a good thing if you think about it. I mean, everyone needs something to calm them. Something to center them and keep them from going insane. These are my three. Well, that and a few people I have allowed to get close to me.

Although I am outgoing and my feelings I wear on my sleeve, not everyone really knows me. I like that actually. It's who I am.

My garden is starting to look just like everyone elses. That's dull in case you didn't know what I meant. You know, how you drive by houses and see the same things everywhere? The same flowers, plants and shrubs? I don't like that. I like changing it up a bit. Okay, a LOT. Oh I have favorites don't get me wrong. Carnations are wonderful and Daffodills well, I really don't think there is a prettier flower. I also love Gerber Daisys but I thhought this year I needed something I hadn't ever had. But what???

Then while shopping in the garden section I found them. A friend told me about these a while ago but I hadn't ever run across them. She said there the best smelling flower and boy was she right.

Stocks. That's right stocks but not to be confused with hollyhocks or foxgloves. No, stocks are a flower that are in a class all by themselves. They smell so wonderful. I had to buy some. Yes, I simply had to. And buy them I did.

Today I spent the day pulling some unwanted weeds and even some bulbs that I thought I'd grown tired of and I put in the stocks right outside my front door. I think I may have to plant more of these along the walkway while waiting for everything else to bloom. (Like the carnations)

I have had a full weekend. That's for sure. Babysitting, gardening and Yes, even stitching.

Want a new flower that will smell so wonderful. Try Stocks and your welcome.