Sunday, August 5, 2007

Barry Bonds

Okay just to set the record straight I am a Dodger fan. I am also an Angel fan. Let's be fair, I'm a fan of any baseball team that doesn't have Barry Bonds.

I know that most baseball players are arrogant but Bonds takes the cake. The other day when he said that he'd like nothing better to break Hank Arrons record at Dodger stadium where 53,000 Dodger fans would boo him would be a treat or something along those lines.

First of all, he'll NEVER be Hank Arron. NEVER. It doesn't matter if he breaks Hank's record twice in his lifetime. He's just not that good. Sure Barry thinks he is but you know, it's a different time, a different era and Steroids weren't all the rage(pardon the pun)

If Bonds went up against Hank with the same equiptment as Hank had, who do you think would shine? I think Hank would but then, he's the REAL star of baseball not Bonds. No, Bond's is just breaking a record. Period. The true test if making the record which, Hank did

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

How Dare He?

I'm talking about Isaiah Washington formerly of Grey's Anatomy. I don't like racial slurs of any kind. Never have, Never will. I hate the N word and refuse to say it myself. I think it's THE ugliest word in the dictionary and, I also think it should be removed.
That being said, Blacks say that to each other all the time and it infuriates me to No end. I just don't get why people of any kind say this word even in jest. I never will.

All I have heard for most of my life is that Black people were given the crappy end of the stick and I'm not saying they weren't. What I AM saying is I expect so much more from them because of it. Why is it that someone of color can say anything they want about anyone else but, when someone says something negative about them, it's because of their color? What a slap in the face.

Now Washington has been saying all kinds of negative slurs because T.R. Knight is a homosexual or, so this is what the news media is saying. My question is, if this is true, why should he be allowed back on the show? I don't think she should be at all. You need to be held acountable for your actions and for your words.

Now he's also blaming fellow co-star Patrick Dempsy and my question is why? How did a fight with Dempsy make Washington say something negative about another member of the cast? I'd like to hear the answer to this.

I'm just tired of the double standard that seems to be running all over America. If a white person can't say the N word then I dont' think anyone black should either and for that matter, I don't get why they would want to. Comedy? I find nothing funny about that word. NOTHING. Imus was fired for making fun of the female basketball team calling them a name that I also choose not to write here in my blog and yet, Washington seems to think it's okay to make fun of T.R. Knight for being a homosexual. Well, I am here to say I feel it's NOT alright. Not at all.
If we're going to be held acountable for what we say and do, shouldn't that go for everyone no matter of their race creed or religion? Yeah, I think so to.

Friday, June 8, 2007

In My Next Life...

I'm coming back a celebrity. Let's see, Robert Downey JR was let out of jail off and on so he could do movies along with Ally McBeal, there are stars that actually have hit and runs like Halli Berri and others. But today I'm focusing on Paris 'I have no talent whatsoever' Hilton who, was put in jail for drunk driving and then released by the Los Angeles Sheriff's in 24 hours.

Give me a break. What makes these people special? I'll tell you what, MONEY and the fact that people are star struck. You know, being a celebrity doesn't take much of anything anymore. All you need is a shot on a reality show and hey, your a star. Well, not really but your treated like it.

Now if Paris(seriously, who would name a kid this) Hilton was going to get the red carpet treatment for driving drunk, why didn't they just put her up at THE HILTON? You know, one of her Grandpa's hotels?

I'm just so tired of everyone thinking these people are something special. Especially them!!! They put their pants on just like we do, one leg at a time, they have good and bad days and they even have to go to the bathroom. So why is it okay for them to break the law?

Paris was having a nervous breakdown? Oh please let's get real. If you or I were having one do you think the cops would care? No. They'd tell us to have it in the corner of the cell and to shut up.

America is finally getting sick and tired of a lot of things. This is just the beginning.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Oh brother

Just when you think that people can't get any more selfish...they do. Did you hear about the judge that is suiing some poor dry cleaners because they lost his pants? Yep. Oh that's not all. They found the pants a week later but the judge would have none of that. He no longer wanted the pants he wants justice?
Excuse me?

He's suiing for $65,000,000 dollars. Yes, that's right. $65,000,000. For a pair of pants? Oh No. Now it's the principal of the thing. I guess this cleaners had a sign posted that read same day service. And he didn't get that. Awww, let's all cry for the judge now. Everyone got a hanky? Here we go. BoooHooo. NO, sorry that's just Boooo.

Boo because he's taking up the courts valuable time for something as stupid as a pair of pants. Did he lose his virginity in these pants? Conceive a child Ewww just that thought made me puke. The fact that he's a judge does it for me.

Grow up Mr Judge.

Oh yes, and the cherry on top of this sundae is the fact that $15,000 of what he's asking for his going for a rental car so that he can drive to another cleaners.

Hey Judge, do the country a very big favor. Bend over, and put your hands on your knees and pull. That loud popping sound should be your head coming out of your ass.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Environment

Now I'm all for jumping on the bandwagon about cleaning up the air and ridding our landfills of all the plastic that we seem to use. Good grief just one of those plastic bags that you bring your groceries home in takes 1000 years to disenagrate. And face it, we never have just one. Three or four is more like it.

That being said. I'm tired of the celebrities jumping on us, the American people to do something. Like they don't do anything? Excuse me but have you ever watched the award shows? How many of them show up, alone, in a limo? Do you know what it takes to run one of those?

And what about all of the celebrities that fly? Or worse, have their own planes. We're supposed to do without just about everything so they can just be glad they spoke up?

Here's an idea. How about the next year at the Academy Awards, they all show up in one of the diesel bus's that the country/western stars seem to have? Wouldn't that be great? To see all of the stars pile out like school children one by one in their tuxedos and one of a kind dresses?

Seriously, it's really hard to WANT to do anything once a celebrity gets involved. They all think they're so special. I would love to see just how many lights are left on at one of their homes they only use on occasion. And do you think their gardens go unattended because they're not there? HA!!! They get watered just like my backyard yet I'm the one thats supposed to feel bad that we're running out of everything. Well I don't even drive so right there by not owning a car I'm doing probably more than just about any celebrity is don't you think?

Sure, we should all do something to help with the environment. Use recycled paper towels (which cost a fortune) Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Now that is a good idea because you use eight gallons of water from the time you turn the faucet on till you turn it off. That's a lot of water that you really don't need to be using.

We can replace the light bulbs in our home. Replace just one and you'd be amazed at how much that helps. Really.

There are a lot of things we, as the normal American people can do. But the movie stars as far as I'm concerned. Well they can start picking each other up when they're staring in the same movie. Ride that bus I was talking about to the award shows, turn off THEIR lights and water while not at home and get off my back.

Thats my View and I welcome yours

Monday, April 16, 2007

Just Imus???

Well, he's finally gone and done it. Yep, that famous (or at least one of the shock jocks) Imus was fired for racial comments he made over the air. I think this is actually good. I don't like most of the shock jocks anyway and to be honest, I thought Stern would get nailed first. However, it was Imus. But here's what gets me.

Imus ISN'T the only one. What about all the black people that are racial? What about those Rappers like Snoop Dogg, P Diddy and Ice T? Doesn't anyone remember the song Cop Killer? I do and I wouldn't allow it in my home. With all the rappers singing about Hos and screwing around and murder and gangs, it's no wonder the kids of today are desensitized. Why should anything bother them?

And then what about the comedians? Have you heard Chris Rock or early Eddie Murphy? Have you heard any comedian actually? And it's not just the guys, Kathy Giffin is really disguesting and Roseanne can be just as crude. It's everywhere and guess what? So our the kids we're raising.
What really kills me is that we, as parents, allow the music to be brought into our homes. Allow the kids to watch these movies that they're just not ready for.

No, Imus is a start but if we're going to jump down his throat then lets start jumping down the rappers throats as well as the comedians. I also think (and yes, this is my View) that the N word should be banned from anyone being allowed to say it whether it's in a song, a joke or to each other.

Imus? What Imus said over the air he heard from a song. Which rapper would like to take the credit for the lyrics? Lets see them stand up now.

I'm Annie and that's my View. I welcome yours.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

My View on some of the things going on

This will probably tick off a lot of people but I don't think we should have any type of working permits for the illegals in this country. Hello, they're not even supposed to be here. Now before you write me a scathing letter telling me that the country was FOUNDED on illegals. I know that. However, none of them snuck into the country. They all worked. Yes, worked. They didn't sit on their bums and collect checks from the government but rather, they actually got working Visas and well, worked.
Our President says we should do this. Well, we should also turn into 17 year old boys and pull out of this country we're fighting over in but He won't do that either. There are a lot of things we should do but haven't. We should have helped the people right after the Katrina debacle but did we? No.

Sadly, I'm just not really happy right now with the war, and the situations going on here in America.

I do think if you really WANT to be here you should be. But I also feel you should work and not under the table either. You should learn the language as well.
So there you go. My View and I welcome yours