Friday, June 8, 2007

In My Next Life...

I'm coming back a celebrity. Let's see, Robert Downey JR was let out of jail off and on so he could do movies along with Ally McBeal, there are stars that actually have hit and runs like Halli Berri and others. But today I'm focusing on Paris 'I have no talent whatsoever' Hilton who, was put in jail for drunk driving and then released by the Los Angeles Sheriff's in 24 hours.

Give me a break. What makes these people special? I'll tell you what, MONEY and the fact that people are star struck. You know, being a celebrity doesn't take much of anything anymore. All you need is a shot on a reality show and hey, your a star. Well, not really but your treated like it.

Now if Paris(seriously, who would name a kid this) Hilton was going to get the red carpet treatment for driving drunk, why didn't they just put her up at THE HILTON? You know, one of her Grandpa's hotels?

I'm just so tired of everyone thinking these people are something special. Especially them!!! They put their pants on just like we do, one leg at a time, they have good and bad days and they even have to go to the bathroom. So why is it okay for them to break the law?

Paris was having a nervous breakdown? Oh please let's get real. If you or I were having one do you think the cops would care? No. They'd tell us to have it in the corner of the cell and to shut up.

America is finally getting sick and tired of a lot of things. This is just the beginning.

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