Sunday, August 5, 2007

Barry Bonds

Okay just to set the record straight I am a Dodger fan. I am also an Angel fan. Let's be fair, I'm a fan of any baseball team that doesn't have Barry Bonds.

I know that most baseball players are arrogant but Bonds takes the cake. The other day when he said that he'd like nothing better to break Hank Arrons record at Dodger stadium where 53,000 Dodger fans would boo him would be a treat or something along those lines.

First of all, he'll NEVER be Hank Arron. NEVER. It doesn't matter if he breaks Hank's record twice in his lifetime. He's just not that good. Sure Barry thinks he is but you know, it's a different time, a different era and Steroids weren't all the rage(pardon the pun)

If Bonds went up against Hank with the same equiptment as Hank had, who do you think would shine? I think Hank would but then, he's the REAL star of baseball not Bonds. No, Bond's is just breaking a record. Period. The true test if making the record which, Hank did

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