Friday, January 5, 2007

Todays Rant of the day(Jan 4th)

I went to the DR. Just to have something checked out. I made an appointment for 2:15 pm. I was seen two hours later. Can you believe that? Of course you can because it's happening all over the United States. There are just too many people and not enough DRs and the DR's we have, simply no longer care about YOUR feelings or, that you may actually have a life. No. They care about that almighty dollar that they get to remove from your pocket. Which is why they invented a co-payment. Have you ever noticed that they grab that co-payment right away and then tell you to go sit down? Sure, cause they don't think you'll get angry and ask for your money back because you don't want to wait THAT long. Who wants to wait that long? And for what? So that you can be patted on the head and told 'It's nothing but thanks for coming in because now with your help and the help of all the other patients sitting out in my waiting room I can finally afford the new tires for my SUV'. You know, I was a Medical Assistant. The keyword in that sentence is was. This is one of the biggest reasons I got out of the field. The stupid insurance companies that sit back and decided if you can have a procedure done or not and more importantly, how much of THEIR money they want to spend on you. While I'm on the subject of Insurance companies I thought I'd give you a suggestion. The next time you go to the DR and they tell you the wait is 20 minutes. Time them. When thirty have gone by, ask them how many patients are ahead of you. Then count that number. If they say five then you should be the sixth right? Oh No, not always the case. Today I was in a Dr's office with so many patients in it that they told me there were four ahead of me. Fine. I can handle four. The only trouble was that there were six Dr's working today so when they girl came out and called someone into the office it didn't necessarily mean that the DR YOU are waiting to see was seeing that patient. This is where the frustration begins to build (along with my Migraine) which, I still have. So my suggestion/idea is this, start looking at that insurance card. Get that number off of it much like I intend to do tomorrow and then call them and ask them to explain why you, the patient that is paying had to wait over two hours to be seen when you had an appointment and YOU were on time? I believe that if enough people start doing this you know, reporting your DR, then maybe this will stop. Oh, and as for that co-payment, I'm trying to figure out a way to get the insurance companies to just lay the law down to the DR. You know something like 'hey Doc, we're paying $85 bucks for this visit and nothing else and neither is the person on this insurance. Maybe we need to get a better president. One who believes everyone should have decent health care. But you know, this is just another one of my Views. But as always I welcome yours.


Charli said...

I would so love to be able to go to the doctor and not pay a co-pay. Then again, I'd like to be able to have lab work done and not have to pay anything for it. But you didn't ask me to rant on your blog. LOL

Anners said...

Ah, but yet, you can rant on my blog because it's your View and you know how I love to hear those :D