Sunday, January 7, 2007

Women Still Get The Short End (Jan 7th)

Ahh, parades. Almost everyone loves a parade. The marching bands. The drill teams. The floats. And of course, the commentators. Yes, everyone loves a parade. Everyone but me. And yet, there I sat in my overstuffed chair, with the heat on watching the New Years Day parade. Nothing new. It's an annual thing. A tradition. Besides, for the most part, it's pretty much the ONLY thing on unless your a football fanatic. But I tune in for the commentators because they're always so funny and full of life. They seem almost chipper as they sit there freezing their buns off, drinking coffee and commenting on all of the wonderful floats. Yes, it's always fun listening to Stephanie Edwards and of course, The host of the Newlywed Game, Bob Eubanks. So, imagine my surprise when I found out that Stephanie Edwards had been let go. Fired is the word I think I'll use. Why? Because she's old. That's right. She isn't young therefore she's old. So, she now can't sit and comment because she's old? What? Excuse me? Why is Bob still there? Oh yes, that's right, his contract is up this year as well. Do you think Bob will return? Do you think they'll ask him? Do you think he'll say Yes? Of course he will. Why, he stated on National television that his contract was up and he'd like very much to return. Yet, No Stephanie. Word is she too would have loved to have returned even though she wasn't getting the money that Bob was. As a matter of fact, she was getting nowhere near the amount of money Eubanks was making. Maybe that's why Bob wants to return. Isn't it the ONLY thing he does now? My point is the new girl is well, young. Yes, lets just say she's young. Along with inexperienced, dull as dirt and well, boring. She and Bob didn't seem to be having as good a time as he and Stephanie and frankly, neither was I. Why, I actually fell asleep watching this years parade. (lucky for me it ran again 4000 times) Yet I really didn't much care. No, they've blown the parade for me. And by doing what? By getting rid of one of the few reasons to watch. The fun banter between both Stephanie and Bob. And for what? Because Stephanie has gotten old. How was she to stay young? It's just not done. You just grow old and hopefully with dignity. Last year Stephanie didn't even get to sit next to Bob but rather in the stands along with the freezing people who, for some odd reason, love to sit there for days waiting for the parade while hoping they're not rained on. No. I think next year, I'll just sleep in.

1 comment:

Charli said...

Now see, I'm not a parade person. So I guess it wouldn't matter to me. But hello? Why fire someone because they're old??